The Reception

picture from the website
Our reception will be immediately following the ceremony at the same resort. We will have a smaller indoor space attached to a large outdoor rooftop patio with a panoramic view of the lake. We will be serving hors d'oeuvres and dessert. There will be lots of dancing!

We have this whole huge patio to use! The indoor space looks out onto the patio
The beautiful view of the lake from the patio.

Other Centerpieces I Like

I'm starting to think doing something like this would be cheaper than the lanterns but still gorgeous. I would use blue fabric.
Nice, simple, and beachy.
I love the idea of using these jars.
This used to be my top choice of centerpieces. I still really like it and may use it somehow.


I definitely want to provide some flip flops for dancing in, since our 'dance floor' will be the concrete rooftop. I really like this saying to go with it: Alright, you've been on your feet so kick off your heels and enjoy this treat! Compliments of the newlyweds.
A candy buffet is out of our budget, but I think rock candy would be a sweet favor. It would also help incorporate the color scheme.